Build Watcher


ClientAdvanced Legal
Project onlineMore Info
Tech usedASP.NET Web API|AngulaJS|Bootstrap|nodejs|Express|
DateMay 2014

Project Details

Build Watcher allows the development team to have an instant view for the build. It also gives testers the status of there smoke tests. The UI is displayed on a screen visible to all team members.

This project was built using nodejs with express framework and ASP.NET Web API on the server side. On the client side this project uses Angular, jQuery and bootstrap. Our build server (Team City) exposes various Web API which this project utilises to show the build status. The smoke tests status are read from a file which is populated by the running tests. ASP.NET Web API routes where created for the smoke tests. These routes plus the Team City routes were consumed by the nodejs application

Client Details

Advanced Legal is the largest provider of technology solutions to the UK legal market. Supporting over 5,000 law firms, barristers’ chambers, in-house lawyers and coroners’ offices, in excess of 150,000 legal services staff use our products daily.